


Recruiter & Career Coach

Personal & Professional Branding

Personal branding is about strategically managing how you are perceived by others in your professional sphere. It plays a crucial role in career advancement, job searches, and overall professional success.

Your personal brand is the first impression employers have of you. A well-crafted personal brand creates a positive and memorable image, influencing how hiring managers perceive your suitability for a position.

How it works

Side View of Woman Working on Her Laptop
Crop black woman taking notes from laptop
Redesigning their business strategies
Smiling young female entrepreneur checking time on wristwatch while working on laptop in modern workspace

Book the session

To secure a coaching session, simply select the "Book Now" button.

Discovery & Intake

Expect an email from me within one business day. I will send you the assessment and schedule our initial session..

The design process

A complete makeover tailored to your target job, the design process ensures you stand out. I meticulously proofread and edit to perfection.

Newly crafted brand

Review finalized materials and receive personalized resources to effectively leverage your newly crafted brand moving forward.


  • Discovery & Intake
  • Virtual coaching sessions
  • A complete makeover tailored to your branding goals and target job/industry
  • Finalized materials
  • Resources to leverage your newly crafted brand moving forward

Types of Branding


Resume Writing and Optimization

Cover Letters

Linkedin Optimization

Social Media

Creative Portfolios

Industry Expertise

Technology & Software

Accounting & Finance

Media & Entertainment


Healthcare Services

What My Clients Are Saying

“Thank you for helping revise my resume and providing additional feedback after our conversation last month. Since our call, I have received more engagement with recruiters and have landed interviews next week.”


“The coaching session was extremely helpful to me! She gave me the tools to succeed in an interview! Thank you!”


“I'm so glad I reached out for my resume review. I was overlooking a lot of details and having someone knowledgable to point them out to me was really helpful. The feedback was very clear. I will be using my new and improved resume from now on in my job search and am certain it will make a difference. I look forward to working with you in the future possibly interview preps! Thank you Cleo!”


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can you provide guidence for writing a compelling professional summary or objective statement?

A: Yes! After the Discovery & Intake, you will receive a customized plan based on improvments to your branding. I’ll provide personalized guidance based on your background, goals, and the specific requirements of the job you are applying for.

Q: Which service do I need?

A: This depends on your needs. We get that your situation is unique, and it can be confusing trying to figure out what’s going to help you the most. If you are unsure, feel free to take this survey and send me a message once you have completed.

Q: Do you offer same-day coaching sessions?

A: Yes, after you book the session, include in the notes and/or email me and I’ll be happy to make the accomodations.

Q: How do you handle career gaps or changes in my professional trajectory through branding?

A: We will work together on tailoring your branding materials for the specific job you're applying for, focusing on experiences and skills that are directly relevant to your target career.

Let’s work together!

Individuals of all backgrounds, are encouraged to reach out. If you're interested in career coaching, don’t be afraid to get in touch. I’m here to support you on your professional journey.

Not sure where to start?

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Made in Chicago <3